The Pushpin platform simplifies and speeds up the development and deployment of sophisticated online mapping applications. The platform includes:
The result: Pushpin gives you highly flexible, highly controllable maps with custom layers that you don’t have to host. The result is unmistakable: an information-rich user experience with the high cartographic integrity and sophisticated interactivity that’s easy for anyone to use.
Industry-standard features
- Tiled maps with browser-based, plug-in free (AJAX) client; smooth dragging, zoom without refresh
- Browser-side rendered elements include pins, polylines, shaded regions, tabbed info windows and more
- Aerial imagery display capability
Functionality exclusive to Pushpin Tiled Map Server
- Fully hosted multi-layer maps with server-side compositing – assures application responsiveness and eliminates self-hosting of application layers
- Server-side pin rendering – allows thousands of pins on a map without performance hit
- Built-in shaded thematic map rendering – allows shading of map regions based on as many as thousands of variables