Sometimes you want to list the column letters. You could just use the CHAR function, but when you get past Z and move on to AB and beyond, that system breaks down.
Here is a function to use to return the column letter(s) to place in a module. In Excel 2007 it will automatically pop up with the default functions.
Function ColumnLetter(ColumnNumber As Integer) As String
If ColumnNumber > 26 Then‘ 1st character: Subtract 1 to map the characters to 0-25,
‘ but you don’t have to remap back to 1-26
‘ after the ‘Int’ operation since columns
‘ 1-26 have no prefix letter‘ 2nd character: Subtract 1 to map the characters to 0-25,
‘ but then must remap back to 1-26 after
‘ the ‘Mod’ operation by adding 1 back in
‘ (included in the ’65’)ColumnLetter = Chr(Int((ColumnNumber – 1) / 26) + 64) & _
Chr(((ColumnNumber – 1) Mod 26) + 65)
‘ Columns A-Z
ColumnLetter = Chr(ColumnNumber + 64)
End If
End Function