You may be a small business but need a custom, professional graphic design and/or professional writing. Through its partners, FSI offers professional graphic design and writing services.
- Hocus LocusHocus Locus is building a new switching technology using DNA sequences. FSI worked with Jenny Vainisi to design a custom logo and design for this one page site. The site is responsive.
- NY Yacht CharterNY Yacht Charter is a successful family business brokering yacht charters in the New York City vicinity. The site has a lot of custom programming to manage the listings, much like a property listing site, but specifically for yachts. The client can add and edit listings including photo galleries and custom fields for party size. Users can ...
- Anne R WellesFSI launched a new website for Anne R Welles, a professional landscape designer.
- Francesca Stanfill – AuthorFrancesca Stanfill is a published author who needed her website migrated to a CMS, so she can write and edit on her own website. Her site was “rebuilt” to look as it did but on a Wordpress / Genesis platform. FSI is also consulting on a strategy to work with online publishing and social media.
- Carpooling with GODLoren Taylor is an author who needed a new ecommerce site for his book. FSI teamed with Daisy Olsen to theme the custom PSD into Genesis Studiopress framework on WordPress. The site has custom post types for endorsements and his “Mileposts,” which give wisdom tidbits for life’s journey.
- Jen White for MayorJen White is running for Mayor of Nyack, NY. FSI built a custom, clean, simple website in WordPress with a Genesis framework. The site is optimized to get the word out, via a video which automatically selects the most recent upload to a YouTube account, and a Tweet widget to push out any current information ...
- Joy of RitualJoy Of Ritual has been an FSI client for many years. FSI worked with High FX Media to migrate the Joy of Ritual site from ColdFusion to WordPress, using the Genesis Studiopress framework. The Joy of Ritual site includes many custom post types, custom fields, integrated shopping cart with PayPal, and many other custom features.
- Mitchell A. Dix & AssociatesMitchell A. Dix & Associates is a Manhattan Law Firm specializing in real estate and corporate law. Foster Solutions used the Genesis StudioPress Framework for WordPress to quickly produce a state-of-the-art, professional site with a “custom-template” design. Custom designed header, rotating images and a modern, modular design results with a professional site at a very affordable price.
- Rivertown Film SocietyRivertown Film Society is a non-profit that shows independent films. FSI built a robust CMS in WordPress that allows films to be entered, so it shows upcoming films, including custom fields and taxonomies to track genre, director, actors, year made, country, trailer links, online ticket sale links, etc. Other custom post types include sponsors, partners and events. The ...
- Nassau County Soil & Water Conservation DistrictNassau County Soil & Water Conservation District (SWCD) is a state funded not-for-profit and is part of a network of 3,000 disctricts nation wide. It educates the community on how to protect the area’s soil and water resources. FSI used a modified child theme of the Genesis framework from Studiopress. The site includes many CMS features such as ...